The theme offers 11 additional colour schemes (15 in total including the default green):

  • Green: #55A79A
  • Red: #EF4444
  • Purple: #b771b0
  • Orange: #e67e22
  • Blue: #0d6efd
  • Pink: #c71c77
  • Brown: #91633c
  • Slate: #5D6D7E
  • Olive: #808000
  • Teal: #008080
  • Charcoal: #34495e

You can test the colour schemes per page using the style switcher in the bottom left corner:

AppStrap Docs style switcher

Changing The Theme Primary Colour

The style switcher is just for testing but if you want to change permanently to one of the predefined colours or a custom colour you have the following options:

1) In Config

The simplest option is to use your config.PROJECT.js file and set the setting colourScheme: 'COLOUR', with COLOUR being one of the colours listed above ie. colourScheme: 'purple',. This option alters the themes CSS variables to switch the colour.

2) In SASS

Only slightly more complex, you can change the theme colour to any colour even outside the predefined colours by using your /src/scss/_variables.custom.scss file and setting $primary: HEX_COLOUR; ie. $primary: #343566;.

This will update the $primary variable throughout Bootstrap and AppStrap Docs and run all the colour functions again so is a more “complete” way of changing your primary colour.