This release updates to Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta.2, for official release notes and ship list see:
Replace the following files:
- Replace: assets/js/scripts.js and assets/js/scripts.min.js
- Replace: .navbar-toggleable-* classes with the new .navbar-expand-* classes
- Replace: index-event.html
- Replace: All index-onepager html files
- Replace: data-toggle=”unveil” with data-toggle=”blazy”
- Replace: index-jobs.html
- Replace: index-freealancer-portfolio.html carousel code
- Replace: Backup /assets/scss/custom then overwrite /assets/scss/ with new files, then add your /assets/scss/custom directory back, run gulp
- Replace: .header-transparent now has no default sticky styles, use the new .sticky-header-light, .sticky-header-dark, .sticky-header-primary classes to control the .header
- Removed: .header-translucent has been removed in favour of using .bg-* classes and .bg-op-(1-9) classes for more flexibility
- Replace: The following colour classes have been replaced:
- .bg-inverse (use .bg-dark)
- .bg-faded (use .bg-light)
- .text-inverse (use .text-dark)
- .border-faded (use .border-light)
- .divider-faded (use .divider-light)
- .hr-faded (use .hr-light)
- .navbar-inverse (use .navbar-dark)
- .btn-inverse (use .btn-dark)
- Replace: Sass variable changes:
- All colours have been added to a sass map called $as-theme-colours and $as-theme-colours-extended (with social brands)
- $extended-colour-options has been renamed to $as-theme-colours-extended-options and set to false as default.
- $theme-colours has been renamed to $as-theme-colours-default
- $theme-brand has been renamed to $as-theme-colours-brands
- $social_brands has been renamed to $as-theme-colours-social-brands
- NEW: New magazine homepage variation with new header on sticky functionality and inline overlay search form
- NEW: Control scroll link speed by passing data-scroll-link-speed on any data-toggle=”scroll-link” link
- NEW: Added animated modals with animate.css (elements-modals.html)
- NEW: Responsive overlay menu header example (header-overlay-menu-responsive.html)
- NEW: Social media branding colours and utilities page (elements-social-media.html)
- NEW: Amazing header control with new sticky classes, restyle your header on sticky for the ultimate flexibility
- NEW: .nav-link-dd-effect main nav link class to make nav links act link dropdown links on hover
- UPDATED: Bootstrap beta 2 update (see:
- UPDATED: added new position classes .pos-BREAKPOINT-(y,x,a) for y axis, x axis and all sides and pos-BREAKPOINT-SIDE-auto for auto positioning
- UPDATED: Migrated from unveil to blazy for image lazy loading. Lazy load anything with an src!
- BUGFIX: Fixed markup issue on index-event.html
- BUGFIX: jobs sidebar sticky fix on small screens and header scroll issue fix
- BUGFIX: Tabs active background transparent fix
- BUGFIX: scroll menu active state on one pagers fix
- BUGFIX: IE11 carousel fix on index-freealancer-portfolio.html