Examples and How To’s on AppStrap Docs Customisation.
More in-depth how tos and examples will soon be added to Themelize.me.
Adding Google fonts
Find out how to quickly and easily add Google fonts to your projects.
Adding Main Navbar Content With Twig Blocks
Find out how to quickly and easily Main Navbar Content With Twig Blocks
Adding New Pages
Disable autoloading for plugin assets
Disable AppStrap's auto plugin loading if you're using a CMS or framework.
Dropdowns On Hover
Control when dropdowns show on hover or on click.
Mobile Menu Options
Choose between collapse menus and offcanvas menus as the main nabvar mobile display.
Overriding Primary Colours
Find out how to change the theme primary colour or add a custom primary colour.
Pages in subfolders
Simple data attributes to change where AppStrap looks like plugin assets.
Slider Revolution Slider
Sticky Header
See how to easily disable the sticky header on all or certain pages.
Removing unused assets
Find out how to remove unused assets from your production builds.