Assets/Files used per page

At the top of page HTML file and within /assets/assets-map.txt files you will find a list of all CSS, Javascript (not dynamically loaded ones) and images needed for each page. This is to help you remove unneeded assets as you customise your site.


Thanks to the awesomeness of Gulp and purifycss you can now streamline your final CSS code before you launch your site.

Once you’ve done developing your site or at any point you like simply do the following:

  1. Remove any unused .html files from the site root
  2. In terminal, run command: gulp unused-css

This will compare the CSS selectors used in the HTML files with the CSS in the CSS files (assets/css) and remove any CSS not being used.

Javascript Plugins

We use Gulp to pull all our .js files together into script.s & script.min.js. This means you can since version 3.1.0 easier remove plugins you don’t need simply by deleting them from the assets/js/src/plugins directory or by changing the .js file extension.